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This Survey was anonymous and voluntary, just a kid giving other kids an opportunity to express what they're feeling and how they're dealing with it... they got honest and you can see the results below 

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Always: 32.9%

Often:   41.6%

Sometimes: 21%

Rarely:  3.7%

Never:  0.8%

Always: 10.8%

Often:   24.5%

Sometimes: 32.4%

Rarely:   24.9%

Never:    7.5%

Always:   28%

Often:     37.9%

Sometimes:  21.4%

Rarely:    10.7%

Never:      2.1%

What Do You Think Has Caused The Influx of Mental Health Crisis? 

-Pressure from All sides





- This generation has had extremely high rates of mental illness for a long time...this is not new to COVID

- There's so much pressure to be the best all the time. 

Of the 242 kids who took this survey, only 46.7% of them feel like they have healthy coping skills to work through any stress, depression, or anxiety they're feeling. 54.2% of these students have at some point felt guilty for taking the time to use these mechanisms, particularly if they feel as though they're missing productivity time. 

What Are These Mechanisms and Why Do You Find Them Helpful?

- They allow me a distraction

- They allow me an escape

- They give me a chance to relax

- I'm not focused on my stressors

- It's fun

- It makes me less anxious

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PAWS is a campaign launched by the East Greenwich Academy Foundation that targets safe use of substances such as alcohol, marijuana and other drugs. More information if you click on the image of PAWS.

Increased Reliance on Drugs and Alcohol

Of the 98 respondents who indicated use of substances like marijuana and alcohol, 37.75% of them reported that they feel as though they have become dependent on these substances to deal with their stress, depression, anxiety, or other challenges they’re currently facing. 

What Are Student Looking For?

Only 12% of them felt as though adults listened, and took our concerns seriously. That number should be 100%. All they want is for someone to hear their voices, and currently that need is not being met. The student body is frustrated with the system currently in place, and there is action that has to follow through. 

We as a community need to take these issues more seriously than we do. Students are struggling and feeling like there is a lot of talk and no followthrough. We are more than a grade and statistic, our concerns should not be brushed aside for a blue ribbon. 

Do You Have a Mantra, Motto, or Saying That Gets You Through a Tough Day?

Is There Anything You Want The Larger Community To Know?

"Listen to Your Kids"

"We're trying our best."

"We are all burnt out and exhausted."

"Please Just Listen." 

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